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Flu Epidemic

mx3 flu epidemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a list of significant concerns on world health early this 2019. These experts shared an ominous forewarning. 

“The world will face another influenza outbreak early this year. The only thing we don’t know is when it will hit and how severe it will be. There is a new and stronger flu virus strain that is making people sick. Viruses change their genetic makeup through mutation. So when a virus changes its structural makeup, our immune system cannot recognize it. There is no cure. Prevention of complications is better.”

This disease outbreak would depend on how far and wide can this new flu strain affect people. To this, it is good to be aware and concerned about these three relevant terms.

  • Epidemic - An outbreak of disease that attacks many people at about the same time and may spread through one or several communities.
  • Endemic: A disease that exists permanently in a particular region or population.
  • Pandemic: When an epidemic spreads throughout the world.

When hit by a flu, it is recommended that sufferers must follow the first line of home treatment: have complete bed rest, drink plenty of fluids, religiously practice frequent hand washing and take a good diet of fruits and vegetables. A highly nutritious food supplement will definitely be helpful to complement and hasten recovery. This is where MX3, a natural supplement, extracted from the pericarp of mangosteen fruit, will be of great benefit. Clinical research confirms how it effectively enhances the body’s own natural defenses. Take MX3 500mgs capsule twice daily to strengthen your immune system!

God bless dear readers!

health corner- dr. edwin bien

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